EDEN - Joyce DiDonato - Il Pomo d’Oro - Maxim Emelyanichev - Arnhem, Musis & Stadtheater - Photo : Melle Meivogel

grippingly immediate, fitfully inspiring evening
New York Times

enthralling evening
Music OMH (London)

I found myself mesmerized by what I was seeing onstage
Ludwig Van (Toronto)

“Eden” bridges the unspoken inner knowings of humanity,
seeking to do better by honoring our planet
Opera Wire (New York)

It’s a riveting show, superbly executed.
hymning the wonders of nature, and blazing with conviction.
DiDonato and her colleagues heartwarmingly
plant seeds of hope in a blighted world
as only art can
Evening Standard London

E D E N 

Joyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano
Il Pomo d’Oro
Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor
Marie Lambert-Le Bihan, director
John Torres, lighting designer

World tour
2024 dates to be announced soon…
check for upcoming performances


Dialogues des Carmélites

